Count Down & International Coffee Day

Count Down & International Coffee Day

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

The countdown is on as you are now in the last weeks of the semester as exam preparation starts, final case studies are presented in Clinic and the last of the classes will roll into preparation for exam weeks. This is where essential knowledge is tested to ensure the professional learning outcomes are met on a subject by subject and clinic by clinic basis across the discipline you are studying.

This is also a time where you are able to turn your passion into knowledge and showcase essential knowledge and expertise in the subjects you are studying that will support your academic and career goals in the future.

Be certain to connect with the Academic team as exam preparation guidelines are covered in classes and this is the time to highlight the areas that will require concentrated planning and studying to support SMART steps to planning your study and achieving study goals.

 Remember to keep it SMART

  • S - SPECIFIC  - know the content to be covered in the exam/assessment/ case study/assignment
  • M -MEASURABLE  -bite-sized chunks, take the whole and break it down week by week, day by day
  • A - ATTAINABLE - keep it real, counterbalance it with other commitments in your life
  • R- RELEVANT - keep it relevant to the task at hand, interesting tangents can be explored later...
  • T - TIMEBOUND - set time frames and aim to work towards them
International Coffee Day
  • October 1st is International Coffee Day, to help celebrate look out for the coffee cart on your Campus that will be offering one FREE hot drink of choice when you show your ID card.   
  • The bookstore will also have 20% off on all JOCO cups use promo code JOCO2018

Course Progression Planning

  • Connect with the course progression team with planning for the last few months of online study, the October study period will allow you to complete pre-req subjects before S1|19 and November online study will allow you to complete pre-req subjects before S2|19.
  • A series of webinars will also be held on how to plan your course progression, starting Oct 2nd at 6pm, to join please link and register at course progression webinars here
  • For support with planning your studies for the final online cohorts and next semester, you can also


Connect with Academic or Student Services
  • Book an appointment with the Academic  team via the LMS/Academic Consultation/ Campus 
  • Book an appointment with the Student Services team via the LMS/My Courses/Student Consultation/Campus
Based on your current circumstances please see the support options below;

Connect with SAP 
  • The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is provided for students as a free confidential counselling support hotline available at 1800 336 207, (24/7). This team are happy to support and guide you based on your personal situation as at times life can offer sudden challenges and support is always available.
Please connect with student services if we are able to be of further support at this time via email at or call 1300-462-887 (option 2).

Thought for the week ahead ....the activity you're most avoiding contains your biggest opportunity....