Welcome to S2|19!

Welcome to S2|19!

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

Welcome to S2|19, it is a pleasure to welcome all commencing students into the College and existing students back into your next semester as your progress towards completion of your studies and your Degree.  It is great to have you back and we look forward to supporting you across the semester ahead.

Keep an eye out for upcoming events across the semester and feel free to connect with any of the resources and teams outlined below if we can be of any support as your settle back into the routine of study.

 Support Resources & Teams

Connect with us if we can be of any support,

  • Academic Consultations LMS has a list of tutorials that you can join on campus and connect with your local Senior Lecturer via LMS>Learning Resources> Consultations> Academic

  • Student Services Support– 1300 467 887 (option 2) or email student.services@endeavour.edu.au for access and equity/ international/course advise you can book consultations via LMS> Learning Resources>Consultations> Student Services

  • Course Progression need to adapt your study load or in the final planning stages of co-requisite planning for S2|19, connect with course.progression@endeavour.edu.au  or book a consultation via LMS> Learning Resources>Consultations> Course Progression

  • A course progression webinar will be held on August 22nd  to support how to manage and plan your course  ecnh.co/progressionplanning  click here to register

  • LMS/ Learning Resources Tab is a key resource for you to be able to see tutorial times/book an academic consultation/book a student services consultation, available to use and book support anytime via the LMS.

Commencing Students – Online Webinar

A great way to get an overview of the LMS>Student Portal and what to expect in the semester ahead.

  • Orientation Webinar - August 8th, 2019 – 6PM (AEST) Orientation Webinar, ecnh.co/orientation please register to attend by following this link 
  • LMS >Learning Resources> Orientation Module  - a week to week guide of what to expect when you first start to study. 

Student Connections - Get Social with your peer group! 

  • LMS>Campus>Student Connections>
    • Connect with Student Representatives Student Voice, International Students, Student Clubs, FAQ's and Student Newsletters

The College has a number of support programs in place that you may use at any time.

  • Access and Equity Program (AEP), the AEP supports student's with disabilities, mental health and medical conditions, and students requesting any Special Adjustments as a result of a disability, mental health or medical condition. We aim to provide educational opportunities through academic support, structured learning plans, accessible facilities, and adjusted teaching and assessment practices where reasonably possible. If you have questions about the AEP you can book a meeting via the LMS/Learning consultations/ Student consultations tab or connect with a student services advisor 1300 462 887 (option 2) or via email on student.services@endeavour.edu.au

    Connect with the SAP (Student Assistance Program) 1800 336 207 (24/7), a confidential counselling program available for personal and study related matters, think of this as a personal coach that can support you in challenging situations.

Use the latest tech tools that can help you plan for success:

  • The Calm App - study is stressful–for meditation, rebalancing and sleep.

Make certain you have downloaded the following resources to help you plan ahead and get organized for your studies;

Remember to keep your planning SMART and make certain that you have a plan that works for you.

  • SPECIFIC- schedule in study times and assessment start times to make certain you are on track for meeting assessment deadlines.

  • MEASURABLE make it measurable with small steps to achieve a larger goal.

  • ATTAINABLE – keep it realistic and attainable based on your schedule.  

  • RELEVANT – focus on the relevant and the most important tasks on hand.

  • TIMEBOUND – set study times, assignment working schedules and start with these, adjust as needed but keep on track …

WWCC Reminder:

Please validate your WWCC card or equivalent with Student Services this week. It should be noted that all students that are not able to show a validated WWCC or equivalent card at the start of a Clinic subject or a subject that requires WWCC or equivalent  will be removed from the Clinic, will be required to complete make-up clinics and will have until census date to present a validated WWCC or equivalent card.  If a validated card is not able to be presented by census date, you will be removed from the subject and required to pick this subject up in S1|2020.

It is great to have you back and we look forward to supporting you across this semester and keep an eye out around the Campus for events and activity posters, these will also be communicated to you via a monthly student newsletter that will be coming your way soon.

We wish you a great week ahead as you start to switch out of holiday mode and back into study mode and  connect with the support teams if we can be of any further support at this time.

Thought for the week ahead……To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist....