Outline of 2020

Outline of 2020

by Andrea Bugarcic -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,


Thank you for your patience as we worked through the delivery of all our subjects until the end of the year to ensure your progress through your subjects in the most uninterrupted way possible considering these unprecedented times.


This notice will explain the following:

  • Structure of each teaching periods for the rest of the year, including start and structure of Semester 2, 2020
  • Subjects delivered in each teaching period
  • How each of the subjects will be delivered in Semester 2, 2020 – online, streaming (virtual), blended, mix



ONLINE – delivered using pre-recorded lectures and supported by online academics within monthly online intakes as per Schedule of Online Subjects 2020 HERE

STREAMING (VIRTUAL) – live delivery of a component of the subject using a streaming platform (e.g. Zoom)

MIX – applicable to practical and pre-clinical subjects only where portion of the subject is delivered on campus (face-to-face) and portion using live streaming

BLENDED – pedagogical term describing portion of the subject (33%) delivered in an autonomous online learning with the rest of the subject delivered as face-to-face or live streaming delivery


For the overall structure of all teaching periods please refer to the attached picture and the below:

1.      Clinic Blocks 3 and 4 – starting 6th July, 2020 and 28th September, 2020 – you have received multiple information around these 2 teaching periods; these block are composed on 12 weeks clinic delivery with the following process (note: the PDFs of the timetable is currently available on Student Portal):

a.      Clinic Block 3:

i.      will be used to ensure all students enrolled into the clinic subjects in Semester 1, 2020 complete their clinic hours requirements and assessments and progress into Clinic Block 4 (as appropriate)

ii.     the maximum period for clinic hours completion in this period is 9 out of available 12 weeks – this means that all clinical hours for all Semester 1, 2020 enrolments will be completed by the end of Week 9 (4th September, 2020) of the Clinic Block 3

iii.     you have been informed of the assessment changes (as applicable) for each individual clinic subject on the individual subject’s Loop  


b.      Clinic Block 4:

i.      will be used to ensure students progress into next set of clinic subjects enrolments as per their Course Structure and subject to pre-requisite completions and co-requisite completions/enrolments

ii.      the Subject Outlines for all clinic subjects will be different for this Block as they will be adjusted to the 12-week delivery (as opposed to the previous 13- or 14-week); most Subject Outlines have adjusted number of assessments or changed the assessments themselves to adapt to the new delivery while aligning to the learning outcomes of each individual subject – this change will be announced by the 10th July, 2020


2.      Practical Intensive Block – 6th July, 2020 until 17th August, 2020

a.      This block is designed to ensure all Semester 1, 2020 practical subjects are completed prior to enrolment into Semester 2, 2020

b.      Assessments for this block remain the same as communicated in Semester 1, 2020  

c.      Details of how to enrol into this block have been sent directly to your emails on 13th May, 2020; the PDFs of the timetable is currently available on Student Portal

3.      Semester 2, 2020 – in order to ensure all subjects progress to results release in December, 2020 the start and the structure of the Semester 2, 2020 has changed to 17th August, 2020.

a.      START: due to the intensive blocks and ensuring all theory and practical assessments and enrolments are completed by the commencement of Semester 2, 2020 the start of Semester 2, 2020 was moved from 3rd August, 2020 to 17th August, 2020; this change was endorsed by the Academic Council on 15th May, 2020; Please note that based to the changes to the starting date the College is currently reviewing Semester 2, 2020 timetable release – PDF and enrolment dates for Semester 2, 2020 will be released next week

b.      STRUCTURE: this semester will have 13 continuous weeks with no mid-semester break, 1 practical exam/SWOT week, 1 SWOT/Exam week and 1 Exam only week; this change was endorsed by the Academic Council on 15th May, 2020;

c.      SUBJECTS: there will be 2 types of subjects delivered across Semester 2, 2020:

            i.      Practical subjects – most practical and HMCL pre-clinical subjects will be delivered in a MIX form:

  • this form will allow delivery of theory part of each practical subject using a live streaming delivery twice per week and on campus delivery, practice and assessment of practical skills
  • for each individual subject each session/week/semester may take one of the following forms:

    • 3 hour on campus practical: SOCI221, CMAC111, CMAC121, CMCS121, CMAC221, CMAC222, CMTN311
    • 1 hour streaming + 2 hour on campus practical: BIOE221, MSTA121, MSTT211, MSTT212, MSTR211, MSTF121, MSTA212, MSTT223, MSTT224
    • 2 hours streaming + 1 hour on campus practical: MSTN121, MSTS221, MSTS323, MSTT327
    • Weeks 1 to 7 live streaming + weeks 8 to 13 on campus practical: HMCL211, HMCL222 and HMCL312
    • Mostly streaming with an intensive component: CMAC223, CMAC311, CMAC321, CMAC411, CMAC421, MSTC121, MSTM322
  • Assessments will follow the published Subject Outlines

         ii.      Theory subjects – as previously announced no theory subjects will be delivered on campus for the remainder of 2020; all theory subjects will be delivered in the following delivery modes:

  • Online – all subjects that are currently on the Schedule of Online Subjects 2020 HERE will be delivered only in online mode (most with monthly intakes); while this allows for the flexibility of enrolment please note that pre- and co-requisite requirements need to be followed as per the Course Structure – if you require any assistance please submit a ticket to course progression or student services here.  NOTE:
    • SOCP121 will be delivered online in August, 2020 with a novel learning design to accommodate acquisition of the interviewing and case study formulation skills in line with the learning outcomes; please note that attendance requirements for that specific part of the subject will remain compulsory
    • all subjects included in Bachelor of Complementary Medicine are continuing as per the Schedule of Online Subjects 2020

  • Live streaming – theory subjects that are not on the Online Schedule will be delivered in a live streamed delivery mode twice per week (and recorded); each individual theory subject will take one of the following forms:


  • Blended – as per previous communications Blended Learning is a pedagogical way of delivering subjects that ensures students are preparing for the content to be delivered or are working through the supporting resources that will allow consolidation of the knowledge in a structured way depending on the subject/session; the blended form will allow for:

i.     2 hours live streaming delivery and 1 hour autonomous learning for the following subjects: WHMF121, NMDF211, NMDW221, NMDD221, NMDS311, NMDE221

ii.    6 hours live streaming delivery (2 x 3 hours) and 3 hours total autonomous learning for the following subjects: NMDC221 and WHMC311

iii.   NOTE: Subject Outlines for the above subjects in a blended form will be made available by 6th July, 2020

  • Non-blended – these subjects will be delivered as 3 hours live streaming twice per week with no change to assessments and content planned: WHMF112, WHMF212, WHMF221, HMCL223, WHMF314, NMDA321, CMPR113, CMDE411, CMHB211, CMHB221, CMPR411, CMPR311


Support Options & FAQ’s:

  • For timetable support and feedback and true subjects clashes (same semester)  submit a ticket via the student portal here
  • For the additional 36 online subject offerings to support your enrolment from June to December, refer to the Re-enrolment> Timetable and Calendars section on the website.
  • For course progression register for a webinar here or  submit a ticket via the Student Portal here or
  • For support across departments log into the student portal or click here.
  • For all general enquires please contact student services on 1300 462 887 (ext. 2) or click here to raise a support ticket.
  • The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is available free for a series of sessions on 1800 336 207 (24/7), with confidential counselling to support you and your current situation.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us using the usual channels.

Thank you again for your patience and kind and calm approach to the year that has definitely presented some challenges to us all.


Kind regards,


(Edited by Deirdre Mathias - original submission Thursday, 21 May 2020, 12:42 PM)

Attachment 2020_overall TT.jpg