Enabling Learning Resources now available!

Enabling Learning Resources now available!

by Jennifer Osborne -
Number of replies: 0

Dear All,

Welcome back to the start of Semester 2/16 or if you are a new student, welcome to campus! This semester the Learning Support Team have prepared a number of enabling resources to assist you with your success for the teaching period!  These include topics such as 'Getting Prepared,' 'Academic Readiness Skills' and 'Assessments.' All are designed to provide you with useful tips/ tricks and areas to test your skills and gain feedback on your progress such as language, literacy and numeracy to assist with preparation for academic writing and referencing.  

You will note that these are now available within' My Courses' or can be accessed via the 'Study Skills' tab.

Enabling Courses

On Day 2 of their launch we already note that 1247 of you have accessed the preparation resources and 1513 have accessed the Assessment area. These resources are free and readily accessible and we would like to encourage you all to explore this area. 

We welcome feedback on any further areas that you would consider useful. Happy preparation and studying!

The Learning Support Team.