Study Time |WWCC

Study Time |WWCC

by Deirdre Mathias -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

First and Foremost, Well Done,  the last 13 weeks will have been intensive as you have learnt and built knowledge that will allow you to reach a higher level of subject-matter expertise in the subjects you have committed to this semester. This knowledge will start to either form the firm foundations needed for your continuous learning journey in Health Sciences or will be the catalyst to further consolidation and expansion into areas of interest and specialization.

As the semester comes to a close with the next few weeks of practical exams and study time, make certain you have a study plan and stick to it as it is only a few weeks until the final exam period starting on June 18th. If you need some inspiration and some downtime,  please join one of the upcoming webinars about career choices and paths after graduation, register at the website under events and webinars or listen to other graduate success recordings viewed here.

Thank you to all students who completed the QILT (Quality Indicators Teaching and Learning Survey) your feedback is appreciated and valuable.  There will be another survey that will be released by QILT soon regarding your experience as a student across the teaching and learning space and we encourage you to take the time to log on and provide feedback as this is instrumental in your voice helping to support organizational change.

Study time – it is countdown two weeks to exams….

  • Study becomes your #1 priority -essential ingredient #1 to passing the subject, start today
  • Stick to your study plan - Day tight compartments - day by day tick your study plan goals off - one by one, revisit the list every PM for the next day
  • Find a study buddy/study group review together, explain concepts and  test each other on content
  • Get study cards - review whenever you can with friends/family, involve the family they are usually happy to complete a few test questions
  • Start today -  Plan the next two weeks of study, hour by hour, day by day
  • Become a subject matter expert allow all the concepts to click into place
  • Book tutorial times with Academics for extra support as needed
Take regular breaks  - this is where you catch up on facebook,  have some downtime and reward yourself for sticking to your study schedule
  • optimal recommendations 90 minutes study 15-20 minute break - set alarms and stick to it. 
  • eat well, write your to do study list before bed -this will help you sleep, exercise and plan relaxation time

For further support during this time please see the below:

Study tips and tricks please approach the library team who are more than happy to help, Library weblinks

WWCC Reminder:

Thank you to all students that have taken action, validated their WWCC or NPC cards ( Perth) and enroled into S2|18 Clinics, we look forward to welcoming you into pre-clinical subjects, classes and clinics for S2|18. There are still some students that have taken NO action, it is mandatory for you have a WWCC or NPC (Peth) card for any preclinical and clinical subjects. For students that have not yet taken any action - countdown is on  nine weeks until S2|18:

  • as a student it is your responsibility to fill in WWCC forms and complete the application before Clinic starts to have a WWCC card BEFORE clinical subjects start.

You must have:

    • Validated state WWCC card in hand BEFORE day one of starting Clinic or pre-clinical classes  all cards will be asked for and checked on day one 
    • NO validated card = NO Clinic
    • NO validated Card = NO pre-clinical subject
    • NO validated Card = you will be pulled out of all Clinics subjects  on July 20th for S2|18
    • Card must to relevant for the state you study in.

REMINDER: Some states take 8 weeks to process these so have this in by the end of this week June 8th at the latest. After this date applications may not be able to be processed in time by Government departments and you will not be able to attend S2|18 Clinic and will need to make plans for S1|19.

Contact points:

The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is provided for students as a free confidential counselling support hotline available at 1800 336 207, (24/7). Professional confidential support is offered with tips and techniques to help you manage anxiety and stress during this period. 

Thank you for your diligence on all of the above and wishing you a productive week of study and remember this too will soon pass...

Thought for the week ahead.... Success is magical nor mysterious, success is the natural consequence of constantly applying basic fundamentals....