OzHarvest|Course Progression|Feeback &Support

OzHarvest|Course Progression|Feeback &Support

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

Welcome to week 11 of the semester and this is a key week when assignment and mid-semester reviews have taken place allowing you the opportunity to reflect on feedback allowing areas for focus and improvement as you continue to engage in learning and acquiring the essential knowledge  to support another step towards degree completion and the career goals that you aspire to.

Please see some updates below for the week ahead;

Timetable Rollout:

Thank you for your feedback around the rollout of the timetable and this is valuable as we work towards continuous improvement based on student feedback. The changes to the 2019 timetable are a reflection of previous student feedback that has been lodged through the student portal timetable feedback assistance tabs and this has supported the following student requests for change:

  • the number of classes scheduled for 2019 reflects more accurately the number of students who are eligible to enrol and the goal of this change is to avoid the last minute consolidation and cancellation of classes prior to the commencement of Summer School and Semester 1. The aim is to support your planning commitments into 2019 as we respect that there are many times when you are not only juggling full-time study but also work and family commitments across a year. 

  • current enrolments are being actively monitored and as classes fill up, additional classes will be opened or class numbers will be increased (where the facilities and resources are available).

Please continue to submit your feedback and let us know your preferences as this feedback remains valuable as we will continue to roll out changes that support process improvement based on your input.  All scheduling feedback will be considered in the context of student progression to ensure the best learning outcomes. We acknowledge that Higher Education is a significant commitment and have taken your past feedback and current feedback on-board to support better planning for 2019 study commitments. 

Course Progression Webinars

Thank you for all students that have enrolled in 2019 already, it is great to see a large majority of students that already enroled via the portal and have their 2019 study plans in place.

If you would like support in planning your studies for 2019 and juggling subject commitments across pre-requisite and co-requisite subjects and full time and part-time planning then please join Jess and Hannah who will be holding a course progression webinar. The aim of this webinar is to give you an overview of how to plan your studies based on course outlines and general course progression planning within your current timeframe commitments and schedules. 

Oz harvest - Giving Back

Around Campus this week you will see OzHarvest posters and boxes. The OzHarvest initiative started humbly in 2004 in Sydney with one van and the belief that there had to be a better way with managing food wastage. In 2018 this organization is now considered Australia's leading food rescue organization with the purpose to Rescue, Educate, Engage and Innovate in the way communities in need are able to be fed and supported through food rescue.

Thank you to all the students that have already donated to this great cause and if you feel inspired over the next few days to clean out the kitchen cupboards and donate please do so as the boxes will be on Campus this week.

Support options Connect with Academic or Student Services
  • Book an appointment with the Academic team via the LMS/Academic Consultation/ Campus 
  • Book an appointment with the Student Services team via the LMS/My Courses/Student Consultation/Campus
Please see the support options below and choose to use these based on your current circumstances;

Please connect with the support you need at this time and make certain to give yourself the time and space needed to support your success in your subjects and upcoming exams.

  • Study Space - time to find your own study space, whether it be on Campus or off Campus, find a space where you can settle into your studies over the coming weeks. This space will become a comfort zone and a focus point as you hit the books with final assessments and exams approaching.
  • Take a short break - after an intensive time of study, take a break as this also allows you the time to consolidate the subject matter that you have studied  - do something fun and reconnect with those around you.
  • Remember the goal - remind yourself of the bigger picture, the reason why you are studying, the academic career and the career goals you are working towards. Great achievements are attained one step at a time.
  • Connect with your support team or SAP  - The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is provided for students as a free confidential counselling support hotline available at 1800 336 207, (24/7). This team are happy to support and guide you on strategies to support and manage stress, develop resilience, and support any current challenges that you may be facing.
Please connect with student services if we are able to be of further support at this time via email at  student.services@endeavour.edu.au or call 1300-462-887 (option 2).

Thought for the week ahead ....Don't be pushed by your problems be led by your dreams...