Study Planners|Support Tools|WWCC

Study Planners|Support Tools|WWCC

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

Welcome to week 12 of the semester and the countdown is on as you enter the final weeks of study for S2|18.

Consider the below support tech' tools as study becomes a priority over the next few weeks,

  • Learning style Assessment - know your learning style and then tailor your study methods around this to tap into your natural learning style. 

  • My study life Appmakes your study life easier to manage, scheduling / timetabling/tasks/reminders/sync with your phones/devices/ one note and best of all it is FREE. mystudylife

  • GoConqr - offers resources to create revision charts, mind maps, flashcards, notes and quizzes, as well as the ability to connect and collaborate with study buddies and classmates. A complete learning toolkit for FREE at goconq

Consider making the below habits a daily routine to help support study of the material needed to be revised and consolidated to support assessment and exam success.

  • Start today -  Plan the next few weeks of study, hour by hour, day by day
  • Study becomes your #1 priority -essential ingredient #1 to passing the subject = study
  • Stick to your study plan - Day tight compartments - day by day tick your study plan goals off - one by one, revisit the list every PM for the next day
  • Find a study buddy/study group review together, explain concepts and  test each other on content
  • Develop study cards - review whenever you can with friends/family, involve the family they are usually happy to complete a few test questions
  • Take regular breaks  - this is where you catch up on facebook,  have some downtime and reward yourself for sticking to your study schedule optimal recommendations 90 minutes study 15-20 minute break - set alarms and stick to it. 
  • Take care of you - eat well, seek the support you need for mental agility and resilience, ensure you have a plan as this will help you to compartmentalize the tasks, study, sleep, exercise and plan relaxation time

Connect with Academic or Student Services Support

  • Book an appointment with the Academic team via the LMS/Academic Consultation/ Campus
  • Book an appointment with the Student Services team via the LMS/My Courses/Student Consultation/Campus
  • Connect with the library team and tools, Library weblinks
  • Connect with SAP  - the Student Assistance Program - 1800 336 207 (24/7)

Connect with support options based on your circumstances;
Once you have your study planner in place and have started to action this then tick off the next essential steps for organizing your next semester, Summer School or S1|19.

  • WWCC Action as a student it is your responsibility to fill in WWCC (NPC Perth Students)  forms and complete the application before Clinic starts to have the necessary cards BEFORE clinical subjects start for preclinical and clinical classes. 
  • Working With Children FAQ's  - these have the answers to your questions
  • Contact WWCChecks <>
  • NO validated card = NO Clinic
  • NO validated Card = NO pre-clinical subject
  • Card must to relevant for the state you study in for all pre-clinical/clinical subjects
  • NOTE: - Some states can take up to 8 weeks to process these applications so take action now
Student Feedback Survey (SFS), we welcome your feedback and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to improve, the following surveys are now open and as you complete subjects over the following weeks please be certain to fill these out. All survey feedback is anonymous and collated by a third party platform where all information is de-identified.

  • The Student Feedback Surveys are available for each of your Semester 2 2018 subjects. This will consist of two separate surveys to allow us to obtain detailed information for both subject and lecturer improvement.
    • The Lecturer feedback survey helps us measure teachers and improve the training of our academics
    • The Subject feedback survey helps us improve the content, materials, and assessments.
    • Both surveys will close on the 17th of November.
We take your feedback very seriously and use it for continuous improvement of the curriculum and content, and also to measure the Good Teaching Score for each of our academics.

Please connect with student services if we are able to be of further support at this time via email at or call 1300-462-887 (option 2) for timetable support at this time you can also email for SAP support,  a free confidential counselling support hotline connect at 1800 336 207, (24/7)

All the best with your studies over the coming week and thought for the week ahead.... - plan your work for today and everyday work your plan... you can do this!