2019 Schedule of Online Subjects

2019 Schedule of Online Subjects

by Trudi Hennessy -
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The 2019 Schedule of Online Subjects is now available and accessible here.

From tomorrow, 31 October, you can enrol into any subjects that you wish to study online next year.  A range of subjects is offered each month.  

The teaching period for an online subject commences on the first Monday of the month and information relating to the census date, examination period (if applicable) and results release date for each teaching period can be found on the 2019 Calendar.

Enrolments are permitted up until the end of the first week of the teaching period.  The usual pre-requisite and co-requisite rules apply to online subjects in the same way as subjects that are studied face to face on campus.

If you have enrolled into an on campus subject but decide to change to the online version, you will need to firstly withdraw from the on campus offering and then enrol into the online offering. 

Should you require any advice or assistance in relation to selecting your subjects, please contact courseprogression@endeavour.edu.au