Good Luck for Exam Weeks

Good Luck for Exam Weeks

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

As exam weeks start this week take a deep breath and remember - you have got this!

The preparation and study that you have completed to date will support you through this period and in each exam session make certain to take a deep breath before you start and tap into the knowledge that will support you in the exam.

Tips and tricks at this time.

  1. Make certain you know the exam date and time
  2. Be prepared for getting to the exam early, this will ease some of the stress if you have arrived early and are reviewing your notes
  3. Each Campus has set up an exam chill out room to support a quiet space before the exam starts
  4. Remember no glass bottles/phones or notes in exam rooms, the College will also provide pens and paper during the examination.
  5. Remember to bring your student ID card to the exam or photo identification
  6. Remember to write your name and student ID on each exam paper
  7. Once in the exam attempt all questions, tap into your knowledge and showcase your learning in each area.
  8. Turn up - 90% of success is turning up, attend your examination - it may not be as bad as you think!
 Across this period, make certain you have the following in place:

  1. A good revision plan across this examination period
  2. Eat well - good food is brain food - plan this into your exam days
  3. Sleep well  - a good rest means you will feel refreshed and prepared on the day.
Connect with support teams you need at this time, especially if support is needed around managing exam anxiety. The Student Assistance program is available 24/7 at 1800-306-227 and they are happy to help with support strategies at this time. 

Connect with a student services advisor on Campus or call 1300-462-887 (option 2) if you need further support and advice at this time. 

Remember to live in day-tight compartments, day by day and this time will soon pass, focus on the end goal and make certain you have a plan to celebrate once you have sat the final exam, celebrate this achievement and reaching the end of S2|18.

Wishing you all the very best of luck across this period and thought for the weeks ahead.....let your dreams be bigger than your fears......