Timetable Updates & SMART Planning

Timetable Updates & SMART Planning

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

Welcome to Week 7! and we hope all is going well in your studies. 

As we enter the last few online cohorts in May and June online, please note that the following subjects have been added to help with your course progression planning, pre-requisite and co-requisite support and managing study load across this period and into S1|20. For support in planning across these online intakes please contact courseprogression@endeavour.edu.au , you are also able to manage  your enrollments via the student portal  and a video is available on the LMS Video links/How to enroll on the portal.

 JUNE Online Subject Additions

  1. NMDS111  - Sociology of Food
  2. BIOH111  - Human Biological Science 1
  3. NMDF121 Foundations of Human Nutrition 
  4. NMDS122 – Sociology of Food for Complementary Medicine

 S2|Timetable Planning

The S2|19  timetable will roll out in mid –May  and all dates will be communicated in advance to support planning for this. A sincere thank you for all your valuable feedback to date and this has been reviewed as part of continuous improvement in timetabling and we thank you while this is taken on-board. Please keep a look out for updates about release dates and recommended enrollment dates in May.

Non-teaching week:

With the non-teaching next week, this is an opportunity for you to review your studies to date, plan the upcoming assessment period and start to get set for exams with weekly review sessions.

Think SMART, make it:

  • SPECIFIC – break it down task by task and work through tasks systematically.
  • MEASURABLE  - small steps achieve great goals, one hour a day supports the goal, tick it off the list.

  • ATTAINABLE – make it possible, look at how it fits into your life and the bigger assessment planner for the next 7 weeks before the main exam period

  • RELEVANT – make it relevant to the assessments and examination coming up – try not to get too side tracked on your passion area…..

  • TIMEBOUND – set realistic time frames, this is where study buddies, and friends and family support come into play as study time becomes a priority.

Remember the following support is in place and please connect with the teams and tools below at any time.

  • Academic Support – book an appointment LMS/Learning Resources – Academic Consultation times
  • Academic Support – connect with your lecture and make certain you attend the classes that covers assessments and examinations expectations  

  • Tutorials – attend the tutorials available for your subject
  • Student Services Support - book an appointment LMS/Learning Resources – Student Services Consultation
  • Student Services can be contacted at student.services@endeavour.edu.au or call 1300 462 887 (option 2)

  • Student Assistance Program (SAP) Support – confidential 24/7 support hotline at 1800 336 207, think of this as your own personal coach in times of stress

  • The Assignment Calculator  is a great resource tool on the library homepage, click on the link, put in the date of your assignment and it helps you plan step by step how to time manage your assignment to the completion date.

  • Study Buddies  - find a study buddy or a group of buddies start to meet regularly on or off campus to share subject knowledge, test each other as you build and consolidate knowledge  

  • Study Hours  have discussions with your friends and family, when are you going to study, this should be a dedicated space, time and set days across the week or the weekend
  • My study life planner link

Wishing you all a very well deserved break with friends and family and remember to take a little time for yourself to rebalance for the next and final stages of the semester ahead.

Thought for the week ahead…. Allow your passion to become your purpose, and it will one day become your profession…