COVID -19 Update Theory Subjects Online.

COVID -19 Update Theory Subjects Online.

by Deirdre Mathias -
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COVID -19  - On-Campus theory subjects available Online - Completed Action.

Dear Students,

With a focus on the health and safety of all students and staff at the college, we are closely monitoring the evolving coronavirus situation and are in regular contact with the relevant government and health authorities across the nation.

Please be assured that we are working in the background on a number of strategies that will support increased options for online delivery and further support for practical and clinical classes. A daily update will communicate these as they are rolled out and actions completed across the coming week. 

Please see below the following that is in place: 

  • all students in on-campus subjects that have an online offering have been enrolled to access all subject lessons and materials online. 
  • students can continue with their studies in the online environment.
  • this applies to the following online subjects.
    • BIOB111 / BIOC211 / BIOH111 / BIOH122 / BIOP211 / BIOS222 / CMPR112 / CMPR121 / HOMT122 / NATF311 / NATP121 / NMDF121 / NMDM121-14 / NMDS111 / SOCE311 / SOCF111 / SOCH311 / SOCQ121.
  • the College is working closely on a case by case basis with students based on personal circumstances and arranging special considerations at this time to support a flexible approach based on the subjects studied and the presenting circumstances.

In all cases, if you feel affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, please contact:

  • the student services team on 1300 462 887 ( ext.2)  or via email on, if you are in clinics then connect with the Clinic Manager.
  • COVID-19 Information is available on the student portal and endeavour website and please refer to this for details and frequent updates at this time.
  • The SAP (Student Assistance Program) is available free of charge on 1800-336-207 (24/7), to support stress, anxiety and planning challenges through consultation at this time. 

A full update will be provided on Tuesday 17, March, to support zoom class logins for the live streaming theory classes, these classes will be recorded and this offering will support you to be able to continue your studies an online environment at this time.

Please note that the college is currently reviewing and planning practical and clinic class sessions with an update in the next few days.

Thought for the day.... every next level of your life will demand a different you..