COVID - 19 Update - On Campus Return Date

COVID - 19 Update - On Campus Return Date

by Deirdre Mathias -
Number of replies: 0


Dear Students,

Thank you for your patience as we all continue to navigate the changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact this has had on our everyday lives.

Following on from the announcement yesterday by the Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s informing all Australian's that social distancing measures will be extended by a further 4 weeks,  the college has reassessed its opening date to comply with the government directive. This update is to inform you that the college will not be re-opening on-campus classes on May 4th . The college has considered the unpredictability of COVID -19 and the secondary plan of action has been implemented with a return to campus date planned for Monday July 6th.  (* Subject to change and based on government issued COVID -19 directive).  We appreciate that this will be disappointing however, the health, safety and wellbeing of our students' staff and communities remain our top priority.  The College continues to monitor and follow the directions and advice of the Government to ensure we are taking all the necessary actions to minimise risks and maintain vigilance against the COVID -19 pandemic in Australia.

We are in the process of planning the details of accommodating the S1|20 practicals and clinic classes alongside strategies to support progression across S2|20.  This is a large task across 6 campuses, 4 degrees,  and the consideration of thousands of timetabling units across different campuses,  dates, times, credit points, schedules and delivery mediums.  We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on the finer details for how this will look starting July 6th  and we are aiming to provide you with a practical and clinic timetable in PDF format no later than May 18th.

Next week further information will be communicated about the return to on-campus date of July 6th including framing for the practical and clinics sessions and theory classes in S2|20. We would like to assure you that we are continuously working in the background and are considering what adjustments need to be made to accommodate the changes to S1|20 including study load planning, meeting subject professional learning outcomes and supporting your course progression into S2|20.  This is a different semester than we all planned for and we thank you for your questions and continued patience.

Whilst our immediate priority is confirming for you what our return on July 6th looks like to support your planning, we have been and continue to conduct scenario planning and draft timetabling across further potential return to campus dates for August through to December 2020 due to the unpredictability of COVID-19 and our reliance on government directives as to when we can safely return. Should a return date of July 6th become unlikely at any point, we will communicate further on this.

This is an unprecedented situation for all of us, so please continue to be kind to each other and we ask that you are also respectful when communicating to staff as we are all adapting to challenging times.

  • For all general enquires please contact student services on 1300 462 887 (ext 2) and student services staff will also be working this Saturday to support your questions on this announcement.
  • The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is available free for a series of sessions on 1800 336 207 (24/7), with confidential counselling to support you and your current situation.
  • For student wellbeing support we have arranged a Resilience Webinar on Tuesday, April 21st, 6.30 – 7.30 pm (AEST), register here
  • The weekly COVID-19 communication alongside the website, student portal, and LMS notifications will allow you to keep an eye on regular updates.
  • For the latest information and resources visit the Department of Health website here.  


Continue to remain vigilant and diligent about you and your families health, safety and wellbeing at this time.


Stay Safe and Stay Well.