Clinic Block Model update

Clinic Block Model update

by Andrea Bugarcic -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,


Thank you for your patience and for the positive feedback about the Blended Learning and Clinic Block Model – both projects that came together by feedback, research, collaboration and patience.


In my previous communication I described each of the new delivery models and promised that I will provide update on the operational side of implementing both models. This communication provides further information on the Clinic Block Model delivery:


Overall Block information:

  • Clinic subjects will be delivered across 4 blocks (in a calendar year) with 2 x 12-week blocks to be delivered by the end of 2020 – Block 3 and Block 4.
  • Block 3 will commence on 6th July, 2020 and Block 4 will commence on 28th Sept, 2020.
  • Block 3 will be used to complete all outstanding Semester 1, 2020 clinic hours and Block 4 will be equivalent to Semester 2, 2020 clinic subject enrolment (please see below more information on Block 3)
  • Assessments across Block 3 and Block 4 will differ; Block 3 will follow the current assessment schedule (please see details for assessment information in Block 3 below) and changed assessments will be introduced in block 4 to align with this new delivery model and the individual’s subject learning outcomes for all future clinic blocks  
  • Sessions: within each clinic block you will be enrolling into 4-hour sessions per 2CP subject – 3.5 hours will be dedicated to client appointments and 15 minutes on either side of these hours will be used for preparation and pack down. Within one day you can enrol into maximum of two (2) 4-hour sessions (if the timetable has those sessions is available).
  • Enrolment will maintain junior/senior mix of the student practitioners and the student/supervisor ratios as per our applicable Policies and associations and professional bodies guidelines - this will mean that students will not be able to enrol into a specific session if that session has reached specified size and ratios
  • Enrolment will be done via Student Portal as per established process
  • From 2021, we will have 4 x 12 week clinics blocks available for enrolment through the year


Subject information:

  • please note that there may be some pre- and/or co-requisite changes within the clinic subjects as part of the model that will ensure adequate scaffolding of the skills and knowledge as well as appropriate progression through the individual degree.
  • Each block will also deliver a clinic workshops (as applicable) at a separate time during the week – this has not changed from previous way of enrolment. However, we will be combining the junior and senior workshops in the Naturopathy degree within a single class to allow for another level of mentoring and peer support as you progress through the clinic subjects.


Timetable information: each campus will have their own clinic timetable that will be set for all Blocks – this will allow you to enrol into the same session(s) every week across one block (as was previous practice) and retain the same session(s) enrolment across multiple blocks (if so desired) and clients will have the continuity of care with the individual student practitioner and/or within the specified session across the year.


Block 3  specific information:

  • This Block substitutes the intensive 5-week clinic delivery we were proposing when our date for campus return was 4th May, 2020 – this means you will be required to complete Block 3 only and instead of the previously communicated intensive 5-week clinic block
  • As per previous email please see below the number of total clinic hours you will need to complete to ensure successful completion of Semester 1, 2020 clinic hours (note: CMCS321 (8CP): now delivered as CMCS322 (4CP) and CMCS32 (4CP); red in table below)
  • Timetable that will be released on 18th May, 2020 will allow you to enrol into appropriate number of sessions to complete the total number of hours specified in the table
  • Assessments in the Block 3 model have been aligned to the way we communicated for the 5-week intensive clinic blocks so you will not need to complete any additional/different assessments other as previously communicated

NOTE: practical intensive block is still going ahead as previously communicated and timetable for this will be released on 18th May, 2020. Note for students that are doing practical intensive and clinic hours – timetable for clinic Block 3 will ensure no clashes for the 5-week practical intensives




total number of hours required across 12-weeks


































































Client engagement and clinic marketing – the amazing Clinic and Marketing teams are helping us in client engagement and clinic marketing in general and this will be outlined further in the May Student Newsletter. In summary the following activities have been in progress across the last several months and will continue into the future:

  1. Clients who were booked into clinics from 4 May 2020 onwards have been contacted and advised of the new planned re-opening date (6 July 2020)
  2. Clients have received information and wellbeing articles via the Clinics’ monthly client newsletter that gets sent to all subscribers
  3. Clients, who are subscribed to the monthly newsletter via the Endeavour Wellness Clinic website (, were advised last month of our original planned re-opening date of 4 May 2020 and in our May newsletter will be informed of our new planned re-opening date
  4. The June client newsletter will introduce the new clinic block model to our clients and also provide further information of a new related promotion that will be available once the clinics are operational again
  5. Once the timetable has been confirmed and entered into the Wellnation software system, clients who were booked into clinics from 4 May 2020 onwards will receive a second call from a local clinic staff member to rebook them
  6. Clinic staff will contact and rebook in all clients to redeem any unused portion of the Autumn 2 for 1 promo
  7. We will also keep our clients updated via our Endeavour Wellness Clinic FB page (
  8. The clinic team are also working on communication and promotional strategies to assist us through the rest of 2020 and this will be evident in the monthly client newsletters

The clinic block model is a College -wide initiative to provide the high standard student clinical education, build student’s experience in the clinical setting and build strong and repeated client experience while providing flexibility for students and extended opening hours for increased client engagement.


Finally, thank you again for your patience, questions and collaborations with the process – the collaboration can only make the outcome stronger.


Kind regards,
