Clinic Block Model - answers to some of your questions

Clinic Block Model - answers to some of your questions

by Andrea Bugarcic -
Number of replies: 0

Dear all,


Thank you for your questions we have received through the Student Portal and direct email. As we have attended to the senior clinic students-specific issues I would like to clarify a few questions students had around the clinic block model and their clinic hours. The questions put forward by the students:

  1. Will I need to complete clinic intensive block model and Block 3 – NO; you will only enrol into Block 3 as we will not be running clinic intensive block previously proposed due to the COVID-19 shutdown being longer than originally anticipated.


  1. What are my clinic hours I need to complete in Block 3? – in the previous communication I provided a table with the total number of hours that is required to be completed per subject – this number takes into consideration the hours that were already completed in the first 3 weeks of Semester 1, 2020 prior to campus closure; therefore, you will not be required to re-complete the clinic hours for the first 3 weeks of the individual clinic subject; this is how the remaining clinic hours that need to be completed in Block 3 (and included in the table) are calculated:

For example (Naturopathy degree):

NATC321 is a 4CP subject with total of 14 weeks x 6hours per week = 84 total clinical hours for the semester required; as you have completed 3 weeks this calculation then means 11 weeks x 6 hours per week = 66 total hours still required to be completed in Clinic Block 3

NATC414 is a 6CP subject with 2CP dedicated to the workshop that is currently running in virtual space; therefore 4CP of this subject is dedicate to clinic and follows the same calculation with the NATC321 above

For example (Nutrition/Myotherapy/Acupuncture degrees:

Any 2CP clinic subject: 13 weeks x 3 hours = 39 total clinical hours for the semester required; as you have completed 3 weeks this calculation then means 10 weeks x 3 hours per week = 30 total hours still required to be completed in Clinic Block 3

Any 4CP subject – double of the 2CP subject

Any 6CP subject (note: some will have a workshop component) – three times the 2CP subject

NOTE: our Timetabling team is working to establish how the Block 3 enrolments will look like considering the total number of clinic hours still required to be completed for each subject. I will update you as soon as this is finalised.


  1. How will I enrol into the subsequent block? – The Academic Team is working on a plan to support progression through the Blocks by ensuring all assessments are completed by week 12 of the individual block. This will ensure you receive your overall grade for each completed clinic subject prior to the census date of the next. Please note that as per our usual practices and policies any students that are of risk of not achieving the passing grade will be counselled within the first half of the subject to ensure appropriate advice and support is provided to each individual student.


I hope above assists in clarifying the concerns some of the students voiced and ensures clearer communication. These questions will also be provided as part of FAQs on the website which will be available in the coming days.


Kind regards,
