TimeTable Opening Viewing & Enrolment Dates

TimeTable Opening Viewing & Enrolment Dates

by Deirdre Mathias -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

First and foremost we hope this email finds you, your family and your community safe at this time we would like to thank you for your patience as we've continued to conduct scenario planning and draft timetabling across potential return dates to campus based on the unprecedented situation of the COVID-19 global pandemic that has had an impact on us all.  As the government continues to discuss options for easing restrictions over the coming months and helping prepare Australians to go back to a COVID-19 safe environment the college is now in the next stages of planning for the intended start date of July 6th. (* subject to change based on Government recommendations and directive).

The timetable planning and allocations have been prioritised to ensure that the intensive practical and clinical classes support progression and completion of all S1|20 classes and then allow students to continue with studies into S2|20 supporting course progression and ensuring your overall study planning for 2020 is still on track. Student feedback about staged timetable releases to support system capacity has been taken on board with timetable enrolments opening at different days and times based on the campus footprint. This will allow systems support teams to monitor and manage volume with the aim to improve and provide a seamless timetable enrolment experience.

Timetable PDF VIEW Only – OPEN May 18th 11AM (AEST)

    • For S1 Practical Completion (practical classes completion for all students currently enrolled in S1|20).
    • For S1 Clinical Completion  (Clinic Block 3 -clinical classes completion for all students currently enrolled in S1|20).
    • Clinic Block 4 – open for all S2 clinical enrolments.
    • Note: If you are not currently enrolled in S1|20 you are not eligible to enrol into S1 Practical and Clinical Completion timetables.
  • Monday May 18th Student Announcement of S2 Calendar
    • Semester Calendar updates
    • Confirmation of S2 theory and blended subjects.
  • Thursday 21st MayPDF VIEW ONLY timetables  S2|20
    • For S2 on campus and virtual/live stream timetable released.
    • There is a slight delay (3 days) to the original timeline unfortunately as a result of the complexity of overlaying the S2 timetable against the block 3, block 4 and practical intensives timetables across the 6 campuses.
  • Monthly online offerings updated on the website here.

Timetable Enrolments Open May 25th, 26th and 28th.  

  • Monday 25th May portal opened for enrolments into intensive practical completion (complete S1) and clinical completion across block 3 (complete S1, 9 weeks) and block 4 of clinics.
    • Note: you will be automatically enrolled in the intensive practical period and clinical completion period across block 3 of clinics if you are currently enrolled in S1|20 and will just need to select your day and time for each subject. Refer to the email that was sent to you directly for details.
    • for Adelaide (11AM local time) and Perth (1PM local time) only.

  • Tuesday 26th May – portal opened for enrolments into intensive practical completion and (complete S1) clinical completion across block 3 (complete S1, 9 weeks) and block 4 of clinics.
    • Note: you will be automatically enrolled in the intensive practical completion and clinical completion across block 3 of clinics if you are currently enrolled in S1|20 and will just need to select your day and time for each subject. Refer to the email that was sent to you directly for details.
    • for Brisbane and Gold Coast (11AM am) and Sydney and Melbourne (1PM)

  • Thursday 28th May - All campuses enrolments open at 11AM (AEST) for enrolments into S2 on campus and virtual/live stream  timetable 

Manage your enrolments:

You able to manage your enrolments by the Student Portal > Manage Enrolments tab and also refer to the video link on the website on how to self -re enrol video.  When you are viewing the PDF timetables ensure that you have all the tools that you need to plan your studies for the remaining months of 2020, these will include:

  • Course brochures use these as a guide of e the next subjects to enrol into based on the semester, subjects completed and the prerequisite and co- requisite requirements when planning your next studies.
  • Student calendars for 2020 both online and on-campus available on the website and also the student portal and on Re-enrolment section of the website, here.
  • Course progression are hosting a webinar on May the 25th visit the website for details you can register here
  • Subject outlines are available on the website here,  reviewing the subject outline will allow insight into the assessment load and assessment weeks as you plan your studies for the remainder of 2020.

Support Options & FAQ’s :

  • Refer to the recent communications on the LMS about the Practical and Clinic Intensives from the Director of Education.
  • For the additional 36 online subject offerings to support your enrolment from June to December, refer to the Re-enrolment> Timetable and Calendars section on the website.
  • For course progression register for a webinar here or  submit a ticket via the Student Portal here or
  • For support across departments log into the student portal or click here.
  • For timetable support and feedback and true subjects clashes (same semester)  submit a ticket via the student portal here
  • For all general enquires please contact student services on 1300 462 887 (ext. 2) or click here to raise a support ticket.
  • The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is available free for a series of sessions on 1800 336 207 (24/7), with confidential counselling to support you and your current situation.
  • For student wellbeing movement and meditation sessions register here 
  • The weekly COVID-19 communication alongside the website, student portal, and LMS notifications will allow you to keep an eye on regular updates.

We look forward to welcoming you back to your studies on campus in July (* based on the health directive from the government and subject to change) and supporting your enrolments and study plans for the remainder of 2020.

At this time we ask that you are respectful when communicating to staff as we will be responding to a large volume of enquiries and are committed to answering yours as soon as we are able to with the goal to support your onboarding back to campus for completion of S1|20 and the planning for S2|20. 

As restrictions begin to ease we ask that you continue to remain vigilant and diligent about you and your families health, safety and wellbeing at this time and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.

Stay Safe and Stay Well