Important student eWeb reminder

Important student eWeb reminder

by Jo Edmonds -
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This is a reminder that all College communication is sent to your student eWeb email, giving you the convenience of having all of your College communication in one place.

Remember, checking your emails regularly is an essential part of managing your studies as a student and is also required for your exams.

What do you need to do?

Hopefully, by now, you have made sure you can access your student email! If not, here are five simple tips to help:

1.     Log into your student email here:

2.     Use your address to log in (it's the same as what you use to log into LMS).

3.     If you have forgotten your account password, or have trouble accessing your account, you can use these password reset instructions or visit this guide on how to log in.

4.     You can also access your student email via the LMS under the Student Systems tab at the top, and under Microsoft on the right-hand side of the LMS.

5.     We recommend downloading the Outlook mobile app for easier access.