Vitality Days - Connect with Industry - Study Support

Vitality Days - Connect with Industry - Study Support

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

The coming weeks on campus are a big few weeks, with assignment due dates looming and exams just around the corner. Knowing that time flies in the next few weeks, make sure you are on track with your planning, revision and study schedule.

Next week Vitality Days are also planned across the campus network, this is an opportunity to connect with professional associations and practitioner companies, building networks within the industry, make sure to make the most of your break times to view the latest product developments and establish connections within industry, as these companies are key suppliers and employers in the marketplace.  

  • Adelaide — Tuesday 1 May 2018, 10am - 3pm (Rooms 1.3 and 1.4)
  • Brisbane — Friday 4 May 2018, 10am - 3pm (Rooms 1.6 and 1.7)
  • Gold Coast — Tuesday 1 May 2018, 10am - 3pm (Common Area/Hallway)
  • Melbourne — Wednesday 2 May 2018, 10am - 3pm (Level 2 Student Breakout area)
  • Perth — Wednesday 2 May 2018, 10am - 3pm (Level 1 Student Breakout Area)
  • Sydney – Monday 30 April 2018, 10am – 3pm (Room 3.15)

 As a focus continues on study over the coming weeks, most importantly schedule study time and commit to it this will allow you to consolidate the essential subject knowledge needed to build to a higher level of expertise with the subjects you have committed to this semester.  For support during this time, use the study tools, tips and tricks available at the links below; 

 Should you require  extra systems support or meeting deadlines, see the links  below;

Please contact or call 1300-462-887 (option 2) to answer any FAQ’s at this time, for course progression planning  email for support in planning you’re your next semester studies to align with the course structure to ensure correct course progression that takes into consideration pre-requisites and co-requites subjects as essential building blocks to subject and content matter expertise.

Acknowledging the tremendous amount of study  and knowledge that you will be building and consolidating over the next few weeks, please also use the Student Assistance Program (SAP) hotline on 1800 33 62 27 for confidential counselling and study related support during this time, and remember to break all you planning into bite-sized pieces and complete one stage at a time as you successfully work towards achieving study goals that support long-term career plans.

Thought for the week ahead ....Your past is not your potential, in any hour you can choose to liberate the future