Countdown to S1|19

Countdown to S1|19

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

We look forward to welcoming you back next week and it has been great to welcome commencing students across O-week and we hope that you have found the week informative and engaging.

A few reminders as we start the semester ahead,


A very sincere thank you to all students that have been impacted by the timetable changes over the last few weeks. We acknowledge and respect that this has been a challenging time and thank you for your patience, diligence and accommodation of these changes at such short notice. Thank you for your feedback and this has been valuable input and as part of continuous improvement, the timetabling process is undergoing a thorough review with the aim to action improvements prior to S2|19.  Many of you will have joined existing or online classes and this will support the formation of stronger cohorts and enhance learner engagement in the subject you are studying.

WWCC Checks

This is the absolute final reminder for all students that are in preclinical and clinical subjects for WWCC or equivalent to be in place. If you have not yet validated your card on campus with student services please connect with the team this week, this will save you time when you first present to clinics. It should be noted that all students that are not able to show a validated WWCC or equivalent card at the start of the Clinic subject, will be removed from the Clinic, will be required to complete make-up clinics and will have until census date to present a validated WWCC or equivalent card.  If a validated card is not able to be presented by census date, you will be removed from the subject and required to pick this subject up in S2|2019. Please ensure that you are all on track to complete this action, as all students are required to have this card validated by the second semester at the College, prior to the start of all pre-clinical and clinic subjects.  

Orientation Module

All students have been enrolled in the Orientation Module via the LMS/ Learning Resources/Orientation Start here. This is a great module that gives you tips and tricks and contact points across a semester, so if you are new be certain to access this to support FAQ’s, as a returning student you are able to access this as a refresher. This module also covers off on some core support areas, such as Learning Resources inclusive of Preparation, Academic Skills, Assessments, FEE-HELP FAQ’s, WWCC FAQ’s, Course Progression, Professional Associations and Career Focus Tools.

Planning for the Semester

Many of you will have already logged in and downloaded and prepared for the first few weeks of study and please see  below a reminder of the tech tools available;

  • My study life - a free study app that helps you plan study across the next 13-week study intensive period.
  • The assignment calculator  - link via the library website, a tool that helps you track the steps required for successful assignment completion.

  • The Calm App - study is stressful– check out the award-winning Calm App for meditation and sleep

  • Family Check-In - the juggle starts between commitment to study/ family/ work/ friends and life  - check in with your family and friends, set your boundaries for study time, thank them for their support as you take the next steps in building your academic career.

Support teams

Connect with us if we can be of support,

  • Student Services – 1300 467 887 (option 2)  or email At peak times we may be on the other line or supporting a face to face enquiry, your call is important to us so please be certain to leave a voice message and we will return your call.
  • Course Progression – already thinking about your pre-req/ co-req planning for S2|19, connect with – they can help you into the upcoming online subjects in April, to time with result release for S2|19 and planning into intakes for May, June and July.
  • Connect with the SAP (Student Assistance Program) 1800 336 207 (24/7), a confidential counseling program available for personal and study related matters, think of this as a personal coach that can support you in challenging situations.

 We look forward to welcoming you all back on board next week –  make the most of this weekend!  and thought for the week ahead … Think not of what you have done …but of what next you are to do/become/be and achieve…