Welcome and updates

Welcome and updates

by Andrea Bugarcic -
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Dear students,

Firstly - welcome to all - students who are joining us for the first time and students returning for another semester - it is lovely to see you all on campus and active in our online subjects.

Secondly - did you know that you have amazing representatives called the Student Voice? They are spread out across most campuses and all degrees - watch out for information on them per campus in various places, including student break-out rooms on your campus. If you want to be a part of the Student Voice please email student.voice@endeavour.edu.au. 

As we are entering another semester I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on a few changes that impact your academic time at the College:

1. re-mark of any assessments: please note that this process has changed as outlined now in the Assessment Policy (previously the process was under the Grievance Policy); if you think your work was not marked according to the rubrics supplied please follow the re-mark process outlined in the Assessment Policy p11

2. extensions: please note that you can now apply for extension for any assessments with a standalone weighting of 15% or more (previously this was 20%) - the process for applying for extensions has not changed - please consult the Assessment policy p7 for further details 

3. academic progression: to further support and assist student with academic progression for students who struggle academically the College has reviewed Academic Progression Policy and implemented a further step of student assistance, called Cautionary enrolment, prior to placing students on probationary enrolment; this step will ensure student receives highly focused assistance for a period of time that will prevent progress to the probationary enrolment. 

Lastly, I would like to wish you a successful semester and if you have any questions please get in touch with your local Senior Lecturers or Student Services.

Kind regards,
