COVID -19 Update - Campus and Clinics Closure March 23rd to May 3rd.

COVID -19 Update - Campus and Clinics Closure March 23rd to May 3rd.

by Deirdre Mathias -
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Dear Students,

We are pleased to advise that the College has been working closely with the relevant government and health authorities and assessing on a daily basis the evolving COVID-19 situation.  After careful deliberation and to support a proactive and preventative approach to support the health and wellbeing of all students at this time it has been determined that all campuses and clinics will close effective Monday, March 23rd until May 3rd 2020*.  (* based on confirmation of directive to reopen). The college is able to confirm that there have been no cases of COVID -19 on any of the campus or clinic locations and this decision has been made to prioritize the continued health and wellbeing of all students.


At this time we are dedicated to supporting you in the continuation of your studies online and in an intensive format for practical and clinical classes upon your return in May and June.


Theory Classes:

  • all on-campus theory classes are now available online.
  • all on-campus theory classes will be live-streamed via the zoom links provided. This is still in effect and these lectures will continue to be livestreamed from a secure location.
    • all links to the classes are posted on the LMS - go to the subject > go to connections > go to subject news > go to latest announcements forum
  • attendance waivers are in place across all of these subjects based on the current circumstances.
  • this will allow you to continue your studies from home.
  • all of these subjects will remain in online delivery across S1|20.
Practical and Clinic Classes:
  • all on-campus practical classes will be on hold and delivered in an on-campus intensive mode starting May 4th.   
  • all clinics will be on hold and delivered in an on campus intensive mode starting May 4th.
  • an intensive mode delivery is aligned with a summer school delivery mode where a number of practical classes and clinics are delivered across a six week period.
  • the practical and clinic makeup schedule will be designed to deliver an intensive program where students will be able to stay in progression by supporting completion by July 31st.
  • we are currently working with timetabling on this schedule and will communicate this over the coming weeks.
  • due to the extenuating circumstances, this will require some time flexibility as you onboard for your studies at this time and complete subject requirements.  
  • attendance waivers are currently in place across all of non-clinical subjects based on current circumstances.
  • all professional associations have been contacted and are in full support of these flexible and intensive offerings to support students at this time.

Clinic Make Up’s:

  • all students will continue to be required to complete clinic makes for any clinics missed to date, the date for makeup’s has been extended to August 31st, 2020.
  • the college will continue to support students on a case by case basis for special considerations of extensions of time past this date as required.  
  • the process for the application of clinic make-ups remains the same and the college will support students in making up clinics to meet the subject outline requirements.

Campus closure:

  • all campuses will be closed and staff working from home across this period to continue to support students.
  • access to all campuses including the library will be closed and students will not be able to access the library during this time.
  • all library book loan periods will be extended until May 4th, online resources and virtual librarian are still available.
  • all online examinations are being assessed and deferrals put in place and a separate communication will be sent to students that are actively involved in this process.  

Events Postponed:

  • all events that have large gatherings and social interaction have been postponed and this includes, open days, all expos and graduations.
  • a separate communication will be sent to all students that will be impacted by these postponements.

Student Support:

  • to support planning in your studies across this time based on the above please contact  or or call 1300 462 887 (ext. 2)
  • please reach out to the SAP (Student Assistance Program), this is free on 1800 336 207,  these consultations will be able to support stress, anxiety and your planning across this time.
  • all staff will remain on board to support you across this time via the normal support communication channels
  • detailed COVID-19 Information is available on the endeavour website and please refer to this for frequent updates at this time.
  • we are dedicated to supporting all students on a case by case basis at this time and please connect with student support teams.

Please know that the college is continuing to monitor the situation daily and regular updates will be rolled out via the student portal / LMS/ website and direct communications to your email address as intensive mode delivery timetables are confirmed and FAQ’s collated over the coming weeks.

We are dedicated to supporting you in the continuation of your studies and your health and wellness at this time and please do not hesitate to contact support teams as we seek solutions that will support the continuation of your studies and wellbeing.