Practical and clinic intensives

Practical and clinic intensives

by Andrea Bugarcic -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,


Thank you for your patience as academic and timetabling teams work through the practical and theory intensives due to be delivered upon College re-opening on 4th May, 2020 (*based on confirmation of directive to re-open pending COVID-19 health advice at that time). Please note the following:


  1. Practicals – there will be 2 intensive delivery blocks to accommodate all practical classes in all possible enrolment combinations and available campus space:

·  Practical blocks are to be taken consecutively (Block 1 then Block 2)

·   Total number of hours to be covered are indicated in brackets after the subject code below and exclude any theory parts of the sessions that are currently delivered online

    • HMCL211, HMCL222 and HMCL312 subjects may be converted to fully online delivery for the rest of the semester - academic teams are working through this and will be in touch by tomorrow on respective Loop/Noticeboards 


    1. Practical Intensive block 1 – 5 weeks delivery plus 1 week of practical exams

i.      subjects that will be included in this block: MSTA121 (20 hours), MSTE311 (20 hours), MSTM311 (20 hours), MSTR211 (20 hours), MSTT211 (20 hours), MSTT212 (20 hours), MSTT317 (40 hours), CMAC111 (25 hours), CMAC213 (60 hours), CMAC221 (30 hours), CMTN211 (30 hours), CMTN311 (30 hours), CMAC222 (6 hours – one workshop only; compulsory attendance), CMAC223 (6 hours – one workshop only; compulsory attendance), CMAC311 (6 hours – one workshop only; compulsory attendance), CMAC321 (6 hours – one workshop only; compulsory attendance), CMAC411 (6 hours – one workshop only; compulsory attendance), CMCS211 (30 hours)  

ii.      subjects that may be included in this block (depending on the campus space): BIOE221 (33 hours), SOCI221 (33 hours), *HMCL211 (21 hours), *HMCL222 (21 hours), *HMCL312 (21 hours) (* see note above)


    1. Practical Intensive block 2 – 5 week total delivery (any practical exams included within the 5 weeks);

i.      subjects that will be included in this block: CMAC111 (25 hours), CMEX421 (30 hours)

ii.      subjects that may be included in this block (depending on the campus space): BIOE221 (33 hours), SOCI221 (33 hours), *HMCL211 (21 hours), *HMCL222 (21 hours), *HMCL312 (21 hours) (* see note above)


  1. Clinics – there will be one 5-week intensive clinic block that will include all assessment submissions (as per my previous communications we are working towards updating these assessments so no extra submissions points after the completion of the 5-week intensive is needed). Please note some exceptions to the general 5-week intensive block:
    1. CMCS321 is an 8CP clinic (green in below table) – we are currently working on a solution on how to adapt this to the intensive model
    2. Last 2 clinic subjects for NUT, NAT and ACU degrees (blue in below table) require up to 33 hours per week clinic hours to complete the subject. The academic team will be in touch with these students that are also eligible to graduate in mid-2020 to talk through different enrolment possibilities and requirements.


The timetable team are currently working on this model across all days and times available in a week and this will be released as soon as it is finalised. At that time you will be able to determine the next best steps to support your personal circumstances and commitment to studies at this challenging and unprecedented time.


  • NOTE: if based on personal circumstances at this time you are unable to complete the proposed intensive and practical schedule makeup, please contact special circumstances with a summary of your circumstances and we will work with you on a case-by-case basis to support you across this time.  You are able to submit the special circumstances form via the student portal. There is no requirement to submit documentation at this time.


Below is the total number of clinic hours required for each clinic subject code and indication of total number of hours per week across the 5-week intensive period:

    total number of hours required 5 weeks (hours/week)
NUT NMDC314 60 12
  NMDC321/NMDC323A 90 18
  NMDC322/NMDC323B 60 12
NAT NATC321 66 13
  NATC414 66 13
  NATC425A 99 20
  NATC425B 66 13
MYO MSTC212 30 6
  MSTC223 60 12
  MSTC314 60 12
  MSTC325A 30 6
  MSTC325B 60 12
ACU CMCS221 30 6
  CMCS311 60 12
  CMCS321 120 24
  CMCS322 60 12
  CMCS323 60 12
  CMCS411 90 18
  CMCS421 90 18
  CMTN321 60 12
  CMTN411 60 12

Support Options:


With the continued escalation of COVID-19 the college will continue to seek solutions to support students on a case by case basis across this time and please ensure that you have all the support that you and your family need at this time.


o   the college has a SAP (Student Assistance Program) which is available 24/7 on 1800 336 207,  please reach out to this team if you need further support.

o   the student services team and course progression team can also be contacted on  1300 462 887 (ext.2)  or via email on or

o   the teams are happy to discuss options with you as we continue to seek solutions based on presenting circumstances at the time.



Thank you for your patience, collaboration and kindness – the only way through this very unprecedented situation is together.

Kind regards,


(Edited by Deirdre Mathias - original submission Tuesday, 24 March 2020, 11:04 AM)